Our activities
The Friends of Wildeshausen currently has about 60 members from Hertford and surrounding villages. Many of the members take the opportunity to visit our German twin town, staying with families or in local hotels.

Friends of Wildeshausen test the 'Hertford Brunnen' (Hertford fountain) in Wildeshausen
Reciprocal visits are arranged when members are invited to host our German friends, or just join in with social activities that are organised for them.

During our visits to Germany, and during their visits to us, outings are arranged.We organise visits throughout the South of England but London is naturally a great attraction for our German friends
Visitors from Wildeshausen touring Canary Wharf, where they were given a reception by Canary Plc.
Each year 'The Friends of Wildeshausen' join with the 'Friends of Evron' in a Christmas celebration hosted by the Mayor of Hertford at Hertford Castle. Our Annual Dinner, summer BBQ and social events such as quizzes, are also held with The Friends of Evron. In keeping with this French connection, we challenge them each year to a game of Boules.
The twinning associations of the three twinned towns of Wildeshausen, Evron and Hertford have occasional joint celebrations in one of the countries.
We provide an annual grant to a local school for use within their German language department, and have helped in finding work experience placements in Hertford for university students from the Wildeshausen region. We are in the process of developing football exchange matches between Wildeshausen and Hertford.
There has been a musical link between Hertford and Wildeshausen for over 25 years. Choirs from the twinned towns have been meeting every two years, alternately in England and Germany to present concerts together. Many friendships have grown from this venture. In addition the 'Blow Band' from Wildeshausen has also visited Hertford on several occasions to take part in Hertford Carnival, and to give concerts.